water critical mass

Water Critical Mass
The Vistula River, Krakow

Water Critical Mass is anyone who swims in rivers in Poland. The campaign was started by Małgorzata Nieciecka, Cecylia Malik and Martina Niedośpiał.
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„Save wild rivers” – flag, „nie dla drogi wodnej E-40” – bathing costume, with Siostry Rzeki, 8th Water Critical Mass, The Vistula River, Krakow 2019

Lamella kayaks, together with Vala Tanz and Justyna Stasiowska, 6th Water Critical Mass, The Vistula River, Krakow 2017

Czarno białe/black and white, raft, together with Vala Tanz, 5th Water Critical Mass, The Vistula River, Krakow 2016

3 boginie na tratwie / 3 goddesses on a raft, performance together with Vala Tanz, 4th Water Critical Mass, Krakowskie Biuro Fesiwalowe, The Vistula River, Krakow 2015

Chodzenie po wodzie / Walking on the water, performance, 3rd Water Critical Mass, KBF, The Vistula River, Krakow 2014